A large number of assessment tools are available to help you hire the best candidate for any position within your organization. BSC can arrange for testing related to tasks such as keyboarding, database entry and mechanical reasoning as well as program specific testing for various popular word processing and spreadsheet programs. Additionally, personality based measures allow the hiring committee to gain an insight into a candidate’s behaviour and thinking styles and the impact that may have on “fit” with an organization’s vision and culture.
Contact BSC Today
Contact BSC for more information specific to range of developmental assessment tools available. Testing can be completed in our offices or any other environment with a strong internet connection. BSC Corporate Consultants are certified in the administration and interpretation of various tools designed to provide valuable feedback to organizations, leaders and employees.
T: (807) 623-7677
Fax: (807) 623-7697
Toll Free: 1 (888) 423-5862
Email: bsc@tbh.net